Hello 2021!

And, a special hello to my dusty blog that didn't get any attention from me for a majority of 2020. Oops! What can I say? Between virtual school, a pandemic, a full time job (from which I resigned in October), an election and just straight up emotional chaos, I couldn't find the energy to create blog content last year.

But?! I'm back. And I'm kicking things off with this wonderful family session. It's my first photo session of 2021 and we lucked out with unseasonably warm and sunny weather on January 2nd. I have loved doing my "Year in the Life" series with this family...even if it took a year and a half to complete (because, Covid). There is something special about documenting the little ones with four family sessions over the course of a year - watching them grow and change, documenting their milestones and the love of the family, and doing it along with the changing seasons.

Alexandria VA Family Photographer