Mini Session at Green Spring Gardens

Things have been so busy lately that the blog has been put on the back burner. For that, I apologize (though i’m not certain how many people actually click through to the posts…), but this session was a great one!

H reached out for one of my fall mini sessions and I love that she asked for “family photos without it turning into a maternity session”. I remember feeling all the feelings during my second pregnancy with my first born running around and work bogging me down, and just…everything. It’s so easy to gloss over a season in life and not take 20 minutes to document things as they are - especially when we’re feeling all of the pregnancy feelings. Just remember that it’s possible to find a photographer who is willing to make sure you get the session you want. There was zero focus on pregnancy and all the focus on their family in this moment - especially their sweet little boy. He was such a champ during this session, and gave some fantastic belly laughs and terrific smiles.

It was also pretty neat to hear that H googled me (because, who doesn’t google a stranger before sending them money for a photography session) and found out that we work in the same industry (since I’m still holding down that full time job outside of this almost full time job). It’s a small world, indeed!