Who starts a photo-a-day-each-day-of-the-year challenge in March?

Turns out, that's me! At the suggestion of Kyle (kylethegirl Photography) I started a 365 photo challenge on March 1st 2020. Why that day? Well, that's the day she had started a year prior and I was in the "I haven't done many sessions in 2020" stage of the wintery slow season, so it seemed like a good way to dust off the camera and make an attempt at well...something.

Little did I know that 12 days into this 365 project we would be faced with school closures and endless (ENDLESS) time at home. Together. Full stop. I remember for the first 12 days wondering how I would find time to photograph something, anything, each and every day. With long work days, exhausted school/pre-school kids, the rush of dinner, bath time, bed time each day, it seemed silly to attempt to add something else to my plate, but I signed up anyway. Putting no pressure on myself, making no hard and fast rules, just the gentle suggestion to my inner self to TRY to take one picture each day.

What came of this past year?

Well, here it is...in a nutshell...categorized into some unique trends I saw when looking back over all of the images.

Food & Drink

I mean, nothing says quarantine like baking...lots and lots and lots of baking. Cupcakes, cookies, for a while we even made challah every Friday. It should be noted that these are some of the most difficult images to take because our kitchen is DARK and also very, very yellow, and incredibly small. Am I the only one who spent most days of 2020 wishing for a wealth of money to complete a full home makeover? What I wouldn't give for a more open space, white-r finishes, and more than one working space ;) Nevertheless, we had a lot of fun, and made a lot of messes, in our humble little kitchen.

The COVID Diaries

While I didn't intend to document the pandemic through the lens of our home, there was an element of that which occurred naturally. Handwashing was an easy capture, but snippets of online learning, new skills conquered, mask wearing, socially distanced birthday meet-ups, and joyful indoor play time were a common thread woven through our story this past year.

Black and White vs. Color

I tried to edit and upload most of the images in color - I find that I lean to color to get a feel for the seasons, the environment, the mood of the day. But somethings just made me happier in black and white. These were few and far between, but some of the sweetest moments.

Rainbows for days!

Unintentional, but not in the slightest bit unwelcome, were the slew of rainbow images documented over the year. They appeared in the most unlikely of ways, but these pops of color brought pure joy to my heart. Remember the rainbow COVID movement? Seems like a lifetime ago...

Stay Tuned for More!

I have more to share, including some other categories, tips, and what I'm looking forward to for my next 365 project! I'm going to wait until Feb 28th to post the 2nd part of this series...you know...so I can complete and entire year first!